Saturday 10 June 2017

House viewing woes...

Today I was up at 6.45. By the time my partner got up at 9.20 I had already hoovered the house, fed and dressed the toddler, cleaned the kitchen floor, done the washing up, cleaned the mould off the bathroom ceiling and showered.

I asked him to walk the dog.

He got annoyed because I usually do it. And it's not a break for him doing things like that at the weekend. Never mind that it was his bloody dog before we got together.

Anyway, I digress...

Today we had two mini open house type things going on as the landlord is keen to fill the house as soon as we leave. That's fair enough. Hence the mad cleaning. I'm pretty sure I've done nothing but housework and childrearing from the moment I have woken to the moment I have fallen asleep for the last few days.

What I wasn't prepared for however was how horrible it feels to have people walking around the house, judging it whilst I was still inside.

I get that our house is small,but it's big compared to what else was on offer at the time for the price we pay. I also think it's got lovely sized rooms and nice big windows. I don't really know why I was getting offended by people remarking on the size, maybe because it feels like they're implying that it's not good enough for them, even though I know that's not true, if it's not big enough then it's just not big enough!
The other thing would be the comments on the state of disrepair that the house is in. When we moved into this house it was literally falling apart. The stairs carpets had been munched by moths, the lights in the hallway and porch didn't work, neither did some of the kitchen lights, the house stunk of dog, they had painted over mould, the oven door was hanging off, the garden was overgrown...I could go on....

We reported all of these things. Just like those who rent after us probably will.

But they'll be bloody lucky if they get fixed.

It took them a month to send someone out to fix our downstairs lighting when it all blew over Christmas. We were using beside lamps plugged in all over the place to see in the mornings and evenings.
They fixed the living room and kitchen lights and then boxed the hallway and porch ones off saying that they'd come back. They never did.
Yet I could overhear the agent telling people it would all be sorted before they moved in. It felt really insulting. I've got emails from when we first moved in, asking them to fix the oven door. We used to chase it all up regularly and it made no difference. I just don't trust them at all.

I hate the idea that whoever moves in here will think that we left it in this state, when in reality we just inherited it this way.

To end on a positive, here's Grayson playing in the garden with the dog....

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