Sunday 8 October 2017

A whole new village

It's been a stressful few months, but it turns out not for the reasons I was originally anticipating. Going from a city back to a village - fine, having to drive pretty much everywhere instead of walk - fine, much much smaller baby and toddler groups - also fine, even unpacking everything that took me months to pack up at the beginning of the Summer was fine (turns out moving to a house with more than 4 rooms makes unpacking go a whole lot smoother).

Instead we've had issues with our previous landlord (still being resolved and still keeping me awake at night), issues with our deliveries - no one seems to be able to find our house, our fridge was a missed delivery twice, so we had nowhere to keep fresh food for the first two weeks. Our new fridge started freezing everything. It took them a month to come out and fix it. We lost over £100 worth of shopping due to it, bottles had exploded sending shattered glass everywhere. We all keep getting sick. I've cleaned up more vomit and shit in the last few months than I have in the entire time since Grayson recovered from reflux. I have a cold that never wants to end, currently surviving on flavoured coffee and strawberry cheesecake oreos to cheer myself up.

On the plus side I feel like I have the kind of family unit now that I had always dreamed of. Now that we're not constantly on top of each other and tripping over the dog everything is so much more chilled. This house already feels more like home than the last house ever did even though we were there for 13 months. We have the space to have people stay, my parents are literally 5 minutes down the road, we're nearly an hour closer to Tom's parents and my best friend. It feels like things are on the up!

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