Friday 5 May 2017

Arghh we might be moving!

We are quite possibly crazy. We've only lived here a year. The last move was stressful as fuck, we were both coming from two different houses, he had a dog and I had a 3 month old son, he hadn't bloody packed anything when I turned up with the van. I was hoping we wouldn't be doing it again until we were ready to buy. I quite literally hate moving house. I am super organised yet for some reason all my long term relationships have been with incredibly laid back people. This makes moving beyond stressful. I want to be packed well in advance, to have things boxed by room, labelled to where they're going to go and an idea of room/furniture layout sorted. Now we're going to do it again with dog and now an energetic toddler in tow. Eek!

The house we're hoping for is lovely. Slightly less rent, twice as many bedrooms (hurruh for space!) and also the same village as my parents. Extra rooms will hopefully reinvent our lives as people can actually stay over our house in a bedroom instead of our tiny lounge with the dog! We also really, really want to become foster parents and the extra space will hopefully get us on track with that.

Right now though all I feel is impending dread! We're meeting the landlady tomorrow so that she can meet our dog, Zero, and see that she's not a mean one that destroys homes, then it could be all go from there!

Going to miss this sprog's bedroom if we move though, it's my favourite room in the house!

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