Thursday 30 March 2017

A wild baby appeared!

Things don't always go as planned, 11 days overdue, water birth abandoned part way through, Grayson Alarik arrived by emergency section. My little chunk was 8lb 7oz. 

It's amazing how easy it is to forget how wank things are during birth, literally just months later I would be telling people how nice my birth experience was and my partner would be reminding me that the staff had to be constantly prompted to empty the piss bag attached to my catheter, that apparently the staff during my c-section commented to each other about rushing me through as there was someone else waiting and that they would hold meetings in the canteen that lasted for ages stopping us from having access to water in the most stiflingly warm wards I have ever been in.

But I also have a lot of respect for the NHS. I didn't have to pay for anything - apart from out of my taxes obv. I had an amazing nurse help me to breastfeed when I thought I wasn't being successful, there were some great midwives, nurses and doctors, and so far my scar has healed pretty nice, so that's something!

Nine and a half months of growing a human paid off, to me he is the most perfect thing I have ever seen. A whole new journey has begun...

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