Saturday 29 April 2017

Struggling Saturday

I acknowledge mum guilt. I know it's real and I know a lot of us suffer from it. I also know it's all a bit daft as long as Grayson is healthy then really he is fine. It doesn't make days like today any easier though.

Today is Saturday. Tom is staying away with friends this weekend last minute so I didn't make any plans and it's just me and Grayson all day. It's half nine and we've been up nearly three hours yet all we've done is eat breakfast and watch The Wiggles. We live in a lovely city with lots to do, I'm surrounded by housework that could do with some attention and the dog will need walking but I just feel overwhelmed and trapped. It's shit when you feel like your anxiety is affecting your family, when you have a million ideas in your head of what you want to do but you just can't make it happen. It sounds ridiculous, even typing it out makes me feel a bit daft but that's honestly how it is.

Grayson seems happy enough. I just don't think I'm being fair to him though. I feel like we should be out at the park, seeing friends, running around soft play, something that gets his mind working and gives him a chance to blow off steam. Not stuck in a playpen next to a useless mum who's wondering how she'll manage to get a single thing done today. It's a horrible way to be, knowing that you have a problem and not knowing how you can get past it today.

Friday 28 April 2017


We made it through!

After putting them off thanks to extreme teething followed by an ear infection and then a long weekend at the inlaws I finally bit the bullet and booked the sproglet in for his 12 month injections.

It's definitely something I was over thinking. He was totally fine with all of his past injections. But he was smaller then. Easier to hold down. I could breastfeed him for comfort. This time he would be older, a stong willed little human who would rather be running around the nurse's office trying to touch the shiny bins (seriously why do toddlers love bins so much?!). 

This time however I had back-up. My partner was off work, he even offered to be the one to hold Grayson and although I am a huge control freak I thought it was for the best. It's nice that we can both be involved in aspects of baby life that I guess are mundane as we all go through it but not all Dads will get to take part in.

We were lucky,we had an amazing nurse and although I wasn't expecting there to be 4 injections it went really smoothly. Phew! Seems he deals with being prodded by a stranger much more easily than dealing with those darn teeth coming through!

Tuesday 11 April 2017

First Birthday Butterflies!

When Grayson’s first birthday was just around the corner and people were asking my what he wanted, it was hard in a way because he’s a baby, he doesn’t really want anything. So I went for the practical things, clothes mostly, some wooden toys because they’ll last forever and a trike. Told people that anything a bit unusual was great.

Which is how we ended up with a box of caterpillars being delivered to our door…

It might seem like many parents worst nightmare having a bunch of insects arrive at your house, we thought it was fabulous though! (Thank-you inlaws for understanding our quirky preferences)

Insect Lore send you some very cute tiny caterpillars in a pot, you watch them grow and eventually they climb to the top of the pot and become chrysalises. Then you can carefully move them into their butterfly garden and over the course of a week or so they gradually become butterflies.

This was a lot of fun, Grayson didn’t really understand what he was seeing, being so young still, but he loved it when they became butterflies and when we set them free.

This is something that I would definitely recommend to others looking for a quirky gift, especially if your child is old enough to learn about all the different stages.

Friday 7 April 2017

Sun's Out, Mum's Out

It's frustrating but I have to acknowledge it, I do much better when the sun is shining. If the weather is grey I can easily sink into a pattern of only leaving the house when I need food or some kind person notices and drags me out. It leaves me stir crazy and with so many guilty feelings for trapping my son indoors. The sun has been shining for 2 weeks now and we've been out every day.

It's not been easy as such, just much easier. We just walk - or in Grayson's case trike - along the cycle track behind our house, alongside a nature reserve and across the streets, stopping at the ruins of a local nunnery so that he can burn off some energy each day. It makes me feel less lonely even though I'm not specifically making any effort to see people, there's always people about. And that's enough sometimes.

Monday 3 April 2017

A year on...

It's still surreal having been a mum for a year, I've gone from living at home with my parents to living with my partner in a new city. There have been days when I haven't wanted to leave the house, where I've felt like I physically can't, we dealt with reflux for the first 8 months of Grayson's life. More vomit from a tiny human than I ever thought possible. A&E trips, strangers making comments and no sleep.

It took me until he was a year old to get out to baby group. I'm not proud of that but now I see it as it is what it is. I'm lucky that when I went to get him weighed after his birthday I got talking to a worker at the baby centre who understood anxiety and encouraged me to come along to messy play sessions anyway. It was one of the most terrifying things at the time. Walking into a room full of strangers is my idea of hell. But Grayson loved it.

It took ten and a half months before he slept through the night. The worst nights he was waking 9 times a night. I thought I was going to die from tiredness. Now we get a night or two a week that he sleeps through. The most was five nights in a row. I didn't sleep for most of them, turns out no matter how much you want sleep, when your baby starts suddenly sleeping through the night you'll probably think he's dead. And check on him constantly.

So that's where we're at now, still learning, still dealing with being the odd one, but always searching for our next adventure!