Friday 28 April 2017


We made it through!

After putting them off thanks to extreme teething followed by an ear infection and then a long weekend at the inlaws I finally bit the bullet and booked the sproglet in for his 12 month injections.

It's definitely something I was over thinking. He was totally fine with all of his past injections. But he was smaller then. Easier to hold down. I could breastfeed him for comfort. This time he would be older, a stong willed little human who would rather be running around the nurse's office trying to touch the shiny bins (seriously why do toddlers love bins so much?!). 

This time however I had back-up. My partner was off work, he even offered to be the one to hold Grayson and although I am a huge control freak I thought it was for the best. It's nice that we can both be involved in aspects of baby life that I guess are mundane as we all go through it but not all Dads will get to take part in.

We were lucky,we had an amazing nurse and although I wasn't expecting there to be 4 injections it went really smoothly. Phew! Seems he deals with being prodded by a stranger much more easily than dealing with those darn teeth coming through!

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